How Apple Killed Third Party Repair (Again)

It’s no longer a secret that Apple goes to great lengths to protect their repair revenue. For years we have been relying on Apple itself or authorized partners to carry out repairs that usually take a long time and turn out quite costly. However, with the new iPhone 13 Apple has pulled another stunt in their efforts to make repairs unnecessarily complex or even completely impossible for 3rd party repairmen. And this isn't the first time Apple screws third party repair shops - they did it before.
What have they done?
Similar to 2018 when touch screens of third party refurbished iPhone 8 models stopped working after updating to iOS 11.3, Apple now focuses again on their displays. Several online sources report that Face ID stops working when broken screens are replaced, both with official and unofficial parts. The Face ID function isn’t depending on hardware which led us to believe there is a line of code in play that recognizes the original screen and which can only be altered or deleted by Apple or authorized repairmen.
How does Apple third party repair go on from here?
Yes, with the above issue Apple delivers another blow to unofficial (but cheaper and faster) phone repair. But we don’t think it will KO the Apple third party repair industry. On the contrary. It has led to new discussions regarding Apple’s claims to achieve zero wasto. Even shareholders are now putting the pressure on Apple to change their anti-competitive repair policy. And with the EU Right to Repair legislation on the verge of coming into effect Apple might just have to so that we all can enjoy refurbished iPhones - and save the planet in doing so.
More about refurbished Apple devices?
We know all about it. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need some free advice.